Profil de Aznlao
Citation : "Just hope love always exist in our heart...,You are everything that I wished..."
Pseudo Aznlao Ce membre est offline
Date d'inscription 24/08/2005
Date de naissance 10/01/1992 (32 ans)
Dernière visite 26/08/2005 à 14h17
Dernière modification 01/01/1970
Signature : Just hope love always exist in our heart...,You are everything that I wished... so please don't leave... I think That I have a place in your heart...
1. Final Fantasy VIII 2. Final Fantasy X 3. Final Fantasy VII
1. Melody Of Life 2. To Zanarkand 3. Julia's Theme
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les jeux RPGs, Internet, Les ami(e)s, la musique, mon piano, Mangas...
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