1C Entertainment
Eternity : The Last UnicornVoid StudiosA-RPG2019 France
Fell Seal : Arbiter's Mark6 Eyes StudioT-RPG2019 France
Reverie Knights Tactics40 Giants EntertainmentT-RPG2021 France
VEDKaraclanRPG2022 France
PlayStation 4
Eternity : The Last UnicornVoid StudiosA-RPG2019 France
Fell Seal : Arbiter's Mark6 Eyes StudioT-RPG2019 France
Reverie Knights Tactics40 Giants EntertainmentT-RPG2021 France
VEDKaraclanRPG2022 France
PlayStation 5
VEDKaraclanRPG2022 France
Fell Seal : Arbiter's Mark6 Eyes StudioT-RPG2019 USA
Reverie Knights Tactics40 Giants EntertainmentT-RPG2021 France
VEDKaraclanRPG2022 France
XBox One
Eternity : The Last UnicornVoid StudiosA-RPG2019 France
Fell Seal : Arbiter's Mark6 Eyes StudioT-RPG2019 France
Reverie Knights Tactics40 Giants EntertainmentT-RPG2021 France
VEDKaraclanRPG2022 France
Xbox Series
VEDKaraclanRPG2022 France


Tous les souvenirs que vous avez vécu, ne les oubliez jamais, Yuna, FFX Thèmes
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