Glossaire SAT
Dark SaviorClimax EntertainmentA-RPG1997
Dragon ForceWorking DesignsS-RPG1997
Panzer Dragoon SagaTeam AndromedaRPG1998
Shining Force III Scenario 1CamelotT-RPG1998
Shining the Holy ArkSonic Software PlanningRPG1997
Shining WisdomSonic Software PlanningADV-RPG1995
The Story of Thor 2AncientA-RPG1996
Albert Odyssey : Legend of EldeanSunsoftRPG1998
Atelier Marie Ver.1.3Gust RPG1997
BaroqueSting EntertainmentD-RPG1998
Black MatrixFlight-PlanT-RPG1998
Castlevania : Symphony of the nightKonamiA-RPG2011
Devil SummonerAtlusRPG1995
Devil Summoner 2AtlusRPG1998
Dragon Force 2Working DesignsS-RPG1998
Dungeons and Dragons Collection CapcomA-RPG1999
GrandiaGames ArtRPG1997
Grandia Digital MuseumGames ArtRPG1997
Langrisser 3NCS MasayaT-RPG1996
Langrisser 4NCS MasayaT-RPG1997
Langrisser 5NCS MasayaT-RPG1998
Langrisser TributeNCS MasayaT-RPG1998
Princess CrownAtlusA-RPG1997
Sakura TaisenRed CompanyT-RPG1996
Sakura Taisen 2Red CompanyT-RPG1998
Samurai Shodown RPGSNKRPG1997
Shining Force III : Premium DiskCamelotT-RPG1998
Shining Force III Scenario 2CamelotT-RPG1998
Shining Force III Scenario 3CamelotT-RPG1998
Super Robot Taisen FWinky SoftT-RPG2011
Super Robot Taisen F FinalWinky SoftT-RPG2011
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling TogetherQuestT-RPG1996


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