Compile Heart
Agarest : Generations of War ZeroCompile HeartT-RPG2014 France
Megamiracle ForceCompile HeartT-RPG2019 Japon
Megamiracle ForceCompile HeartT-RPG2019 Japon
Agarest : Generations of WarCompile HeartT-RPG2013 France
Agarest : Generations of War ZeroCompile HeartT-RPG2014 France
Agarest Senki : MariageCompile HeartRPG2012 France
Dark Rose ValkyrieCompile HeartRPG2016 France
Fairy Fencer F : Advent Dark ForceCompile HeartRPG2017 France
Hyperdimension Neptunia : Sisters vs. SistersCompile HeartA-RPG2022 France
Mary Skelter 2Compile HeartD-RPG2021 N.C
Mary Skelter : NightmaresCompile HeartD-RPG2018 France
Mary Skelter FinaleCompile HeartD-RPG2023 France
Megadimension Neptunia VIICompile HeartRPG2016 France
Megadimension Neptunia VIIRCompile HeartRPG2018 France
Moero ChronicleCompile HeartRPG2017 France
Mugen SoulsCompile HeartRPG2015 France
Mugen Souls ZCompile HeartRPG2013 France
Neptunia Virtual StarsCompile HeartA-RPG2021 France
Sorcery Saga : Curse of the Great Curry GodCompile HeartD-RPG2013 France
Tokyo ClanpoolCompile HeartD-RPG2017 France
Trillion : God of DestructionCompile HeartT-RPG2016 France
PlayStation 3
Agarest : Generations of WarCompile HeartT-RPG2007 France
Agarest : Generations of War 2Compile HeartT-RPG2010 France
Agarest : Generations of War ZeroCompile HeartT-RPG2009 France
Fairy Fencer FCompile HeartRPG2013 France
Hyperdimension Neptunia Hypercollection Compile HeartRPG2015 France
Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2Compile HeartRPG2011 France
Hyperdimension Neptunia VictoryCompile HeartRPG2012 France
Mugen SoulsCompile HeartRPG2012 France
Mugen Souls ZCompile HeartRPG2013 France
Record of Agarest WarCompile HeartT-RPG2010 USA
Super Dimension Game NeptuneCompile HeartRPG2010 France
PlayStation 4
Dark Rose ValkyrieCompile HeartRPG2016 France
Death end reQuest Code ZCompile HeartRPG2024 Japon
Fairy Fencer F : Advent Dark ForceCompile HeartRPG2015 France
Hyperdimension Neptunia : Sisters vs. SistersCompile HeartA-RPG2021 France
Magical Librarian Ariana : The Book of Seven Heroe ...Compile HeartA-RPG2025 N.C
Mary Skelter 2Compile HeartD-RPG2018 Japon
Mary Skelter FinaleCompile HeartD-RPG2020 France
Megadimension Neptunia VIICompile HeartRPG2015 France
Megadimension Neptunia VIIRCompile HeartRPG2017 France
Neptunia Virtual StarsCompile HeartA-RPG2020 France
Omega QuintetCompile HeartRPG2014 France
PlayStation 5
Death end reQuest Code ZCompile HeartRPG2024 Japon
Hyperdimension Neptunia : Sisters vs. SistersCompile HeartA-RPG2021 France
Magical Librarian Ariana : The Book of Seven Heroe ...Compile HeartA-RPG2025 N.C
Agarest Senki : MariageCompile HeartRPG2012 Japon
PS Vita
Death Under the LabyrinthCompile HeartD-RPG2015 France
Genkai Tokki : Seven PiratesCompile HeartRPG2016 Japon
Hyperdimension Idol Neptunia PPCompile HeartInclassable2013 France
Mary Skelter : NightmaresCompile HeartD-RPG2016 France
Moero ChronicleCompile HeartRPG2014 Japon
Moero CrystalCompile HeartD-RPG2015 Japon
Nep Nep Connect : Chaos ChanpuruCompile HeartCard-RPG2017 Japon
Tokyo ClanpoolCompile HeartD-RPG2017 Japon
Trillion : God of DestructionCompile HeartT-RPG2015 France
Agarest : Generations of WarCompile HeartT-RPG2007 France
Death end reQuest Code ZCompile HeartRPG2024 Japon
Hyperdimension Neptunia : Sisters vs. SistersCompile HeartA-RPG2021 France
Magical Librarian Ariana : The Book of Seven Heroe ...Compile HeartA-RPG2025 N.C
Mary Skelter 2Compile HeartD-RPG2019 France
Mary Skelter FinaleCompile HeartD-RPG2020 France
Megadimension Neptunia VIICompile HeartRPG2020 France
Moero Chronicle HCompile HeartD-RPG2019 France
Moero Crystal HyperCompile HeartD-RPG2019 France
Mugen SoulsCompile HeartRPG2012 France
Mugen Souls ZCompile HeartRPG2023 France
Tokyo ClanpoolCompile HeartD-RPG2017 Japon
XBox 360
Agarest : Generations of War ZeroCompile HeartT-RPG2010 USA
Record of Agarest War : ReappearanceCompile HeartT-RPG2008 USA
XBox One
Hyperdimension Neptunia : Sisters vs. SistersCompile HeartA-RPG2023 France
Xbox Series
Hyperdimension Neptunia : Sisters vs. SistersCompile HeartA-RPG2023 France


Les héros ne fuient jamais un combat !, Snow, Final Fantasy XIII Thèmes
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