Chaos Rings OmegaMedia VisionRPG2011 France
Chrono TriggerSquare EnixRPG2011 France
Cthulhu Saves the WorldTinkerHouse GamesRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy IIISquare EnixRPG2011 France
SquidsThe Game BakersRPG2011 France
Squids Wild WestThe Game BakersRPG2011 France
To the MoonFreebird GamesRPG2011 France
Dengeki Gakuen RPG: Cross Of Venus SpecialASCII Media WorksA-RPG2011 Japon
Devil Survivor 2AtlusT-RPG2011 France
Digimon Story : Super Xros Wars : BlueNamco BandaiRPG2011 Japon
Digimon Story : Super Xros Wars : RedNamco BandaiRPG2011 Japon
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 ProfessionalSquare EnixRPG2011 Japon
Kaiju Busters PoweredNamco BandaiA-RPG2011 Japon
Kingdom Hearts Re : codedSquare EnixA-RPG2011 France
Metal Max 2 ReloadedKadokawa GamesRPG2011 Japon
Nora and the Engraving StudioAtlusRPG2011 Japon
Red Stone DSL and K LogicA-RPG2011 Japon
SaGa 3 Ruler of Space Time : Shadow or LightSquare EnixRPG2011 Japon
The Lost Town : The DustCircle EntertainmentA-RPG2011 France
Zelda Four SwordsNintendoADV-RPG2011 France
Chaos Rings OmegaMedia VisionRPG2011 France
Chrono TriggerSquare EnixRPG2011 France
Cthulhu Saves the WorldTinkerHouse GamesRPG2011 France
Dragon FantasyMuteki CorporationRPG2011 France
Dungeon Hunter 3GameloftA-RPG2011 France
Final Fantasy IIISquare EnixRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy Tactics : The Lion WarSquare EnixT-RPG2011 France
Fullmetal BattleGood Game ProductionsRPG2011 USA
Infinity Blade IIEpic GamesRPG2011 France
Inotia 3Com2uSA-RPG2011 France
Lunar : Silver Star TouchSoMoGaRPG2011 Japon
Machine KnightHit PointRPG2011 France
Ragnarok VioletNEO-CYONA-RPG2011 France
Seven : Thousand WarsAdwaysT-RPG2011 Japon
SquidsThe Game BakersRPG2011 France
Symphony of EternityKemcoRPG2011 France
To the MoonFreebird GamesRPG2011 France
Wizardry : Labyrinth of Lost SoulsAcquireD-RPG2011 Japon
Zenonia 3GamevilA-RPG2011 France
Zenonia 4GamevilA-RPG2011 France
Beyond the LabyrinthTri-AceD-RPG2011 Japon
Class of Heroes 3DZeroDivD-RPG2011 Japon
Devil Survivor Over ClockAtlusT-RPG2011 France
Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten KnightsKonamiInclassable2011 France
Girls' RPG : Cinderella LifeLevel-5RPG2011 Japon
Harvest Moon : The Tale of Two TownsNatsumeRPG2011 France
Inazuma Eleven Go : DarkLevel-5RPG2011 France
Inazuma Eleven Go : ShineLevel-5RPG2011 France
Kabuki Samurai Sensei : Bride of ShadowsSmack Down ProductionsADV-RPG2011 Inconnu
Monster Hunter 3 UltimateCapcomA-RPG2011 France
SD Gundam G Generation 3DNamco BandaiT-RPG2011 Japon
Slime Mori Mori Dragon Quest 3Square EnixA-RPG2011 Japon
Tales of the AbyssNamco BandaiRPG2011 France
The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 3DNintendoADV-RPG2011 France
UnchainBlades ReXXFuryuD-RPG2011 USA
All Zombies Must DieDoublesix GamesA-RPG2011 France
ArcaniA: Fall of SetarrifSpellbound EntertainmentA-RPG2011 France
BastionSupergiant GamesA-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2Gearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 : Captain Scarlett and her Pirate Bo ...Gearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 : Mr Torgue's Campaign of CarnageGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 : Sir Hammerlock's Big Hunt GameGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 : Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon KeepGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 Edition Game of the YearGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Breath of Death VII : The BeginningZeboyd GamesRPG2011 USA
Costume QuestDouble FineRPG2011 France
Cthulhu Saves the WorldZeboyd GamesRPG2011 USA
DarksporeMaxisA-RPG2011 France
Dead IslandTechlandA-RPG2011 France
Deathspank : The BaconingHothead GamesA-RPG2011 France
Deus Ex : Human RevolutionEidos MontrealF-RPG2011 France
Dragon Age 2BioWareC-RPG2011 France
Dragon FantasyMuteki CorporationRPG2011 USA
Dungeon Siege 3Obsidian EntertainmentA-RPG2011 France
Dungeons and Dragons : Neverwinter Nights CompleteAtariCOMPIL2011 USA
Dungeons and Dragons Anthology : The Master Collec ...AtariCOMPIL2011 USA
Dungeons and Dragons DaggerdaleBedlam GamesA-RPG2011 France
Fable 3Lionhead StudiosA-RPG2011 France
Faery : Legends of AvalonSpidersRPG2011 France
Game of ThronesCyanideC-RPG2011 France
Grotesque Tactics 2 : Dungeons and DonutsSilent DreamsS-RPG2011 France
Kingdoms of Amalur : Reckoning38 StudiosC-RPG2011 France
Le Seigneur des Anneaux : La Guerre du NordSnowblind StudiosC-RPG2011 France
Legend of FaeEndless FluffP-RPG2011 USA
MagickaArrowhead Game StudiosADV-RPG2011 France
Mount and Blade : With Fire and SwordTaleworlds EntertainmentC-RPG2011 France
Persona 3 PortableAtlusRPG2011 France
RiftTrion WorldsMMORPG2011 France
Risen 2 : Dark WatersPiranha BytesA-RPG2011 France
Runespell : OvertureMystic BoxCard-RPG2011 France
Star Wars : The Old RepublicBioWareMMORPG2011 France
TERA OnlineBluehole StudioMMORPG2011 France
The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion Edition 5e anniver ...Bethesda SoftworksC-RPG2011 France
The Elder Scrolls V : SkyrimBethesda SoftworksC-RPG2011 France
The Lost Angelic Chronicles of Frane : Dragon's Od ...Exe-CreateA-RPG2011 France
To the MoonFreebird GamesRPG2011 France
Touhou Genso Maroku : The Devil of DeclineStrawberry BoseRPG2011 Japon
Two Worlds 2 : Pirates of the Flying FortressReality Pump A-RPG2011 France
Two Worlds II : Velvet GOTY EditionReality Pump A-RPG2011 France
UnepicEnjoyUp GamesA-RPG2011 France
PlayStation 3
Arc The Lad IIIArc EntertainmentT-RPG2011 France
ArcaniA : Gothic 4Spellbound EntertainmentA-RPG2011 France
ArcaniA: Fall of SetarrifSpellbound EntertainmentA-RPG2011 Inconnu
Atelier MeruruGustRPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 : Captain Scarlett and her Pirate Bo ...Gearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 : Mr Torgue's Campaign of CarnageGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 : Sir Hammerlock's Big Hunt GameGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 : Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon KeepGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 Edition Game of the YearGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Breath of Fire IVCapcomRPG2011 USA
Chrono CrossSquare EnixRPG2011 USA
Chrono TriggerSquare EnixRPG2011 USA
Dark SoulsFrom SoftwareRPG2011 France
Dead IslandTechlandA-RPG2011 France
DeathSpank : The BaconingHothead GamesA-RPG2011 France
Deus Ex : Human RevolutionEidos MontrealF-RPG2011 France
Disgaea 4 : A Promise UnforgottenNippon IchiT-RPG2011 France
Dragon Age 2BioWareC-RPG2011 France
Dungeon Siege 3Obsidian EntertainmentA-RPG2011 France
Dungeons and Dragons DaggerdaleBedlam GamesA-RPG2011 France
Faery : Legends of AvalonSpidersRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy VSquare EnixRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy VISquare EnixRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy XIII 2Square EnixRPG2011 France
Harvest Moon : Back To NatureVISRPG2011 USA
Harvest Moon : Save the HomelandVictor Interactive SoftwareRPG2011 USA
Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2Compile HeartRPG2011 France
LangrisserMasayaT-RPG2011 Japon
Le Seigneur des Anneaux : La Guerre du NordSnowblind StudiosC-RPG2011 France
Mass Effect 2BiowareC-RPG2011 France
Might And Magic : Clash of HeroesCapybara GamesP-RPG2011 France
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD VersionCapcomA-RPG2011 Japon
Ni no Kuni : Wrath of the White WitchLevel-5RPG2011 France
Odin SphereVanillawareA-RPG2011 USA
Ring of RedKonamiT-RPG2011 USA
Risen 2 : Dark WatersPiranha BytesA-RPG2011 France
Rune Factory OceansNeverlandRPG2011 France
Super Robot Taisen FWinky SoftT-RPG2011 Japon
Super Robot Taisen F FinalWinky SoftT-RPG2011 Japon
Tales of XilliaNamco BandaiRPG2011 France
Tengai Makyo 2 : ManjimaruRed CompanyRPG2011 Japon
The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion Edition 5e anniver ...Bethesda SoftworksRPG2011 France
The Elder Scrolls V : SkyrimBethesda SoftworksRPG2011 France
Two Worlds 2 : Pirates of the Flying FortressReality Pump A-RPG2011 France
Two Worlds II : Velvet GOTY EditionReality PumpA-RPG2011 France
Wizardry : Town of the Imprisoned SpiritsAcquireD-RPG2011 Japon
Wizardry Perfect PackAcquireCOMPIL2011 Japon
Wizardry Twin PackAcquireCOMPIL2011 Japon
XenogearsSquaresoftRPG2011 USA
Ys IIIHudsonA-RPG2011 Japon
Ys IV : The Dawn of YsHudsonA-RPG2011 Japon
PlayStation 4
Persona 3 PortableAtlusRPG2011 France
PlayStation 5
Persona 3 PortableAtlusRPG2011 France
7th Dragon 2020ImageepochRPG2011 Japon
Adventure Bar of Wonderland PortableRideonJapanRPG2011 Japon
Arc The Lad IIIArc EntertainmentT-RPG2011 France
Atelier Viorate : Alchemist of Gramnad 2GustRPG2011 Japon
Black Rock Shooter : The GameImageepochTPS-RPG2011 Japon
Breath of Fire IVCapcomRPG2011 USA
Chrono CrossSquare EnixRPG2011 USA
Chrono TriggerSquare EnixRPG2011 USA
Cladun 2Nippon IchiD-RPG2011 Japon
Class of Heroes FinalZeroDivD-RPG2011 Japon
Danbol SenkiLevel-5RPG2011 Japon
Danbol Senki BoostLevel-5RPG2011 Japon
Elminage IIIStarfishD-RPG2011 Japon
Elminage OriginalStarfishD-RPG2011 Japon
Final FantasySquare EnixRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy IISquare EnixRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy IV Complete CollectionSquare EnixRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy TacticsSquare EnixT-RPG2011 France
Final Fantasy Type 0Square EnixRPG2011 Japon
Final Fantasy VSquare EnixRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy VISquare EnixRPG2011 France
Final Promise StoryImageepochD-RPG2011 Japon
Frontier GateTri-AceRPG2011 Japon
Gloria UnionSting EntertainmentT-RPG2011 Japon
Grand Knights HistoryVanillawareRPG2011 Japon
Growlanser IV : Over ReloadedAtlusT-RPG2011 USA
Gungnir : The War Hero and the War God's Demon Lan ...Sting EntertainmentT-RPG2011 USA
Kingdom Hearts : Birth by Sleep Final MixSquare EnixA-RPG2011 Japon
LangrisserMasayaT-RPG2011 Japon
Lord of ApocalypseSquare EnixA-RPG2011 Japon
Monster Hunter Diary Poka Poka Felyne GFrom SoftwareA-RPG2011 Japon
Nano DiverTakara TomyA-RPG2011 Japon
Over My Dead BodyAlfa SystemRPG2011 Japon
Patapon 3SonyInclassable2011 France
Persona 2 : Innocent SinAtlusRPG2011 France
Phantasy Star Portable 2 InfinitySegaA-RPG2011 Japon
Phantom Kingdom PortableNippon IchiT-RPG2011 Japon
Queen's Gate : Spiral ChaosNamco BandaiT-RPG2011 Japon
Ragnarok : Imperial Princess of Light and DarknessApollosoftT-RPG2011 USA
SD Gundam G Generation WorldTom CreateT-RPG2011 Japon
Super Robot Taisen FWinky SoftT-RPG2011 Japon
Super Robot Taisen F FinalWinky SoftT-RPG2011 Japon
Tales of the World : Radiant Mythology 3Namco BandaiD-RPG2011 Japon
Tengai Makyo 2 : ManjimaruRed CompanyRPG2011 Japon
The 2nd Super Robot Taisen Z : Breakthrough Chapte ...BanprestoT-RPG2011 Japon
The Legend of Heroes VII : Trails of Azure BestFalcomRPG2011 Japon
The Legend of Heroes VII : Trails to AzureFalcomRPG2011 Japon
UnchainBlades ReXXFuryuD-RPG2011 Japon
Valkyria Chronicles IIISegaT-RPG2011 Japon
Valkyria Chronicles III Extra EditionSegaT-RPG2011 Japon
Venus and BravesNamco BandaiT-RPG2011 Japon
Venus and Braves PSPNamco BandaiT-RPG2011 Japon
White Knight Chronicles : Dogma WarsSonyRPG2011 France
XenogearsSquaresoftRPG2011 USA
Ys IIIHudsonA-RPG2011 Japon
Ys IV : The Dawn of YsHudsonA-RPG2011 Japon
Yuusha 30 SecondOpusA-RPG2011 Japon
PS Vita
Arc The Lad IIIArc EntertainmentT-RPG2011 France
Black Rock Shooter : The GameImageepochA-RPG2011 France
Breath of Fire IVCapcomRPG2011 USA
Chrono CrossSquare EnixRPG2011 USA
Class of Heroes FinalZeroDivD-RPG2011 Japon
Disgaea 3 : Absence of DetentionNippon IchiT-RPG2011 France
Dungeon Hunter : AllianceGameloftA-RPG2011 France
Fate ExtraImageepochD-RPG2011 France
Final FantasySquare EnixRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy IISquare EnixRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy IV Complete CollectionSquare EnixRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy Tactics : The Lion WarSquare EnixT-RPG2011 Japon
Final Fantasy VSquare EnixRPG2011 France
Final Fantasy VISquare EnixRPG2011 France
Frontier GateTri-AceRPG2011 Japon
Gungnir : The War Hero and the War God's Demon Lan ...Sting EntertainmentT-RPG2011 France
Nano DiverTakara TomyA-RPG2011 Japon
Patapon 3SonyInclassable2011 France
Persona 2 : Innocent SinAtlusRPG2011 France
Persona 3 PortableAtlusD-RPG2011 France
Phantom Brave PortableNippon IchiT-RPG2011 France
Phantom Kingdom PortableNippon IchiT-RPG2011 Japon
Spectral Souls : Resurrection of the Etheral Empir ...Idea FactoryT-RPG2011 France
Super Robot Taisen FWinky SoftT-RPG2011 Japon
Super Robot Taisen F FinalWinky SoftT-RPG2011 Japon
The Legend of Heroes VII : Trails to AzureFalcomRPG2011 Japon
White Knight Chronicles : Dogma WarsSonyRPG2011 France
Wizardry : Town of the Imprisoned SpiritsAcquireD-RPG2011 Japon
XenogearsSquaresoftRPG2011 USA
Ys IV : The Dawn of YsHudsonA-RPG2011 Japon
Castlevania : Symphony of the nightKonamiA-RPG2011 Japon
Super Robot Taisen FWinky SoftT-RPG2011 Japon
Super Robot Taisen F FinalWinky SoftT-RPG2011 Japon
To the MoonFreebird GamesRPG2011 France
Dragon Quest Wii CollectionSquare EnixCOMPIL2011 Japon
Dragon Quest XSquare EnixMMORPG2011 Japon
Earth SeekerCrafts and MeisterA-RPG2011 Japon
Inazuma Eleven StrikersLevel-5RPG2011 France
Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 XtremeLevel-5RPG2011 Japon
Pandora's TowerGanbarionA-RPG2011 France
Rune Factory OceansNeverlandRPG2011 USA
SD Gundam G Generation WorldTom CreateT-RPG2011 Japon
The Last StoryMistwalkerRPG2011 France
The Legend of Zelda : Skyward SwordNintendoADV-RPG2011 France
XBox 360
All Zombies Must DieDoublesix GamesA-RPG2011 France
ArcaniA: Fall of SetarrifSpellbound EntertainmentA-RPG2011 France
BastionSupergiant GamesA-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 : Captain Scarlett and her Pirate Bo ...Gearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 : Mr Torgue's Campaign of CarnageGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 : Sir Hammerlock's Big Hunt GameGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 : Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon KeepGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Borderlands 2 Edition Game of the YearGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2011 France
Dark SoulsFrom SoftwareRPG2011 France
Dead IslandTechlandA-RPG2011 France
DeathSpank : The BaconingHothead GamesA-RPG2011 France
Deus Ex : Human RevolutionEidos MontrealF-RPG2011 France
Doom and DestinyHeartBit InteractiveRPG2011 France
Dragon Age 2BioWareC-RPG2011 France
Dungeon Siege 3Obsidian EntertainmentA-RPG2011 France
Dungeons and Dragons DaggerdaleBedlam GamesA-RPG2011 France
Half Minute Hero : Super Mega Neo ClimaxOpusA-RPG2011 France
Labyrinth Xross Blood ReloadedExperience Inc.D-RPG2011 Japon
Le Seigneur des Anneaux : La Guerre du NordSnowblind StudiosC-RPG2011 France
MagickaArrowhead Game StudiosADV-RPG2011 Inconnu
Might And Magic : Clash of HeroesCapybara GamesP-RPG2011 France
PioneerzAndreil GameRPG2011 France
Risen 2 : Dark WatersPiranha BytesA-RPG2011 France
Students of RoundExperience Inc.D-RPG2011 Japon
The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion Edition 5e anniver ...Bethesda SoftworksRPG2011 France
The Elder Scrolls V : SkyrimBethesda SoftworksRPG2011 France
TorchlightRunic GamesA-RPG2011 France
Two Worlds 2 : Pirates of the Flying FortressReality Pump A-RPG2011 France
Two Worlds II : Velvet GOTY EditionReality PumpA-RPG2011 France
Wizard's KeepSubstance GamesD-RPG2011 France
XBox One
Persona 3 PortableAtlusRPG2011 France
Xbox Series
Persona 3 PortableAtlusRPG2011 France


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