AshSRRN GamesRPG2010 France
Chaos RingsMedia VisionRPG2010 France
GrinsiaKemcoRPG2010 France
Symphony of EternityKemcoRPG2010 France
Crystal MonstersGameloftRPG2010 France
Digimon Story : Lost EvolutionNamco BandaiRPG2010 Japon
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2Square EnixRPG2010 France
Dragon Quest VISquare EnixRPG2010 France
Dungeon RPG PikudanIntenseD-RPG2010 France
Elminage II DS RemixStarfishD-RPG2010 Japon
Estpolis: The Lands Cursed by the GodsNeverlandA-RPG2010 USA
Etrian Odyssey IIIAtlusD-RPG2010 USA
Fighting Fantasy : The Warlock of Firetop MountainBig Blue BubbleD-RPG2010 USA
Fire Emblem : New Mystery of the EmblemIntelligent SystemsT-RPG2010 Japon
Fossil Fighters : ChampionsRed CompanyRPG2010 USA
Harvest Moon : L'Archipel du SoleilMarvelous EntertainmentRPG2010 France
Harvest Moon : The Tale of Two TownsNatsumeRPG2010 France
Inazuma Eleven 3 : BomberLevel-5RPG2010 Japon
Inazuma Eleven 3 : SparkLevel-5RPG2010 Japon
Inazuma Eleven 3 : The OgreLevel-5RPG2010 Japon
Keroro RPG : The Knight Warrior and Legendary Pira ...Namco BandaiRPG2010 Japon
Magical FantasiaG-modeRPG2010 Japon
Metal Max 3Cattle CallRPG2010 Japon
Mystery Dungeon : Shiren The Wanderer 5ChunSoftD-RPG2010 Japon
Necromancer : Nightmare RebornHudsonRPG2010 Japon
Okamiden : Chiisaki TaiyouCapcomADV-RPG2010 France
Percy Jackson : Le Voleur de FoudreGriptonite GamesRPG2010 France
Pokemon BlackGame FreakRPG2010 France
Pokemon Ranger : Sillages de lumiereHAL LaboratoryA-RPG2010 France
Pokemon WhiteGame FreakRPG2010 France
Puzzle ChroniclesInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Quest 2Infinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Radiant HistoriaAtlusRPG2010 USA
RPG Maker DSEnterbrainP-RPG2010 Japon
Sepas ChannelG-modeRPG2010 Japon
Shining LegendBLUESIDEA-RPG2010 Japon
Shiren the Wanderer 4ChunSoftD-RPG2010 Japon
Shonen Kininden TsumujiElectronic ArtsA-RPG2010 Japon
SolatoroboCyberConnect2A-RPG2010 France
Super Robot Taisen LBanprestoT-RPG2010 Japon
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga : Endless Frontier EXCE ...Monolith SoftwareRPG2010 Japon
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga : Masou Kishin The Lord ...BanprestoT-RPG2010 Japon
Wizardry : The Legacy of Oblivion SuzakD-RPG2010 Japon
WiZmans WorldJaleco EntertainmentRPG2010 Japon
ZenoniaGamevilA-RPG2010 France
AshSRRN GamesRPG2010 France
Chaos RingsMedia VisionRPG2010 France
Eternal LegacyGameloftRPG2010 France
Final FantasySquare EnixRPG2010 France
Final Fantasy IISquare EnixRPG2010 France
IllusiaGamevilA-RPG2010 France
Infinity BladeEpic GamesRPG2010 France
Secret of ManaSquare EnixA-RPG2010 France
Shining ForceClimax EntertainmentT-RPG2010 France
Zenonia 2 GamevilA-RPG2010 France
Pier Solar and the Great ArchitectsWatermelonRPG2010 France
Crystal MonstersGameloftRPG2010 France
ZenoniaGamevilA-RPG2010 France
Alpha ProtocolObsidian EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
ArcaniA : Gothic 4Spellbound EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
Borderlands : Claptrap's New Robot RevolutionGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France
Borderlands : Double Extension PackGearbox SoftwareCOMPIL2010 France
Borderlands : Emeute dans l'Underdome de Mad MoxxiGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France
Borderlands : L'Armurerie Secrete du General KnoxxGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France
Borderlands Edition Game of the YearGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France
DarksidersVigil GamesADV-RPG2010 France
DC Universe OnlineSonyMMORPG2010 France
Dead StateDoubleBear ProductionsC-RPG2010 France
DeathSpankHothead GamesA-RPG2010 USA
DeathSpank : Thongs of VirtueHothead GamesA-RPG2010 France
Divinity II : The Dragon Knight SagaLarian StudiosC-RPG2010 France
Dragon Age : Origins The AwakeningBioWareC-RPG2010 France
Drakensang : La Riviere du Temps Radon LabsRPG2010 France
Dungeon DefendersTrendy EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
Fallout : New VegasObsidian EntertainmentC-RPG2010 France
Final Fantasy XIVSquare EnixMMORPG2010 France
Grotesque Tactics Evil Heroes Silent DreamsS-RPG2010 France
Hunted : The Demon's ForgeInxile EntertainmentC-RPG2010 France
Labyrinth Xross BloodExperience Inc.D-RPG2010 Japon
Langrisser SchwarzGamaniaMMORPG2010 Inconnu
Mass Effect 2BiowareC-RPG2010 France
Mount and Blade : WarbandTaleworlds EntertainmentC-RPG2010 France
Puzzle ChroniclesInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Quest 2Infinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Ragnarok Online 2 : The Gate of the WorldGravity CorporationMMORPG2010 Inconnu
Students of RoundExperience Inc.D-RPG2010 Japon
The Legend of Heroes VII : Trails from ZeroFalcomRPG2010 France
The Witcher 2 : Assassins of KingsCD Projekt REDRPG2010 France
Touhou Soujinengi The Genius of SappheirosStrawberry BoseRPG2010 Japon
Two Worlds IIReality Pump A-RPG2010 France
VeneticaDeck13 InteractiveA-RPG2010 France
World of Warcraft : CataclysmBlizzard EntertainmentMMORPG2010 France
PlayStation 2
Summon Night GrantheseFlight-PlanA-RPG2010 Japon
PlayStation 3
Agarest : Generations of War 2Compile HeartT-RPG2010 France
Alpha ProtocolObsidian EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
AlundraMatrix SoftwareADV-RPG2010 France
Ar Tonelico 3GustRPG2010 France
Arc The LadArc EntertainmentT-RPG2010 France
Arc The Lad IIArc EntertainmentT-RPG2010 France
Atelier Totori : Alchemist of Arland 2 GustRPG2010 France
Black Matrix 00Flight-PlanT-RPG2010 Japon
Borderlands : Claptrap's New Robot RevolutionGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France
Borderlands : Emeute dans l'Underdome de Mad MoxxiGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France
Borderlands : L'Armurerie Secrete du General KnoxxGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France
Borderlands Edition Game of the YearGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France
Chocobo no Fushigi DungeonSquaresoftD-RPG2010 Japon
Chocobo's Dungeon 2SquaresoftD-RPG2010 Japon
Class of Heroes 2GZeroDiv D-RPG2010 Japon
Class of Heroes 3ZeroDiv D-RPG2010 Japon
Costume QuestDouble FineRPG2010 France
DarksidersVigil GamesADV-RPG2010 France
DC Universe OnlineSonyMMORPG2010 France
DeathSpankHothead GamesA-RPG2010 France
DeathSpank : Thongs of VirtueHothead GamesA-RPG2010 France
Devil Children : Black Book Red BookAtlusRPG2010 Japon
Dragon Age : Origins The AwakeningBioWareC-RPG2010 France
Dungeon DefendersTrendy EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
Fallout : New VegasObsidian EntertainmentC-RPG2010 France
Final Fantasy IXSquare EnixRPG2010 France
Front Mission 3Square EnixT-RPG2010 France
GrandiaGame ArtsRPG2010 France
Hunted : The Demon's ForgeInxile EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
Last RebellionHit MakerRPG2010 France
Legend of ManaSquaresoftA-RPG2010 USA
NieRCaviaA-RPG2010 France
NieR RepliCantCaviaA-RPG2010 Japon
Parasite EveSquaresoftRPG2010 USA
Parasite Eve 2SquaresoftA-RPG2010 France
Puzzle ChroniclesInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Record of Agarest WarCompile HeartT-RPG2010 USA
Resonance of Fatetri-AceRPG2010 France
Shin Megami TenseiAtlusRPG2010 Japon
Shin Megami Tensei If...AtlusRPG2010 Japon
Shin Megami Tensei IIAtlusRPG2010 Japon
Star Ocean 4 : The Last HopeTri-AceRPG2010 France
Steambot Chronicles 2Irem SoftwareADV-RPG2010 Inconnu
Super Dimension Game NeptuneCompile HeartRPG2010 France
Tales of Graces FNamco BandaiRPG2010 France
Tengai Makyo : ZiriaRed CompanyRPG2010 Japon
The Legend of Heroes VI : Trails in the SkyFalcomRPG2010 France
Threads of FateSquaresoftA-RPG2010 USA
TRINITY : Souls of Zill O'llOmega ForceA-RPG2010 France
TsuritoreRecomRPG2010 Inconnu
Two Worlds IIReality Pump A-RPG2010 France
Vandal Hearts : Flames of JudgmentKonamiT-RPG2010 France
VeneticaDeck13 InteractiveA-RPG2010 France
White Knight Chronicles 2Level-5RPG2010 France
Yakuza 4Ryu ga Gotoku StudiosA-RPG2010 France
ZenoniaGamevilA-RPG2010 France
PlayStation 4
Borderlands Edition Game of the YearGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France
DC Universe OnlineSonyMMORPG2010 France
Final Fantasy VIISquare EnixRPG2010 France
AlundraMatrix SoftwareADV-RPG2010 France
Arc The LadArc EntertainmentT-RPG2010 France
Arc The Lad IIArc EntertainmentT-RPG2010 France
Arm's HeartHamsterRPG2010 Japon
Atelier Judie : Alchemist of GramnadGustRPG2010 Japon
Bakamatsu Ishinden RevolutionZeroDivD-RPG2010 Japon
Battle Spirits : Heroes SoulNamco BandaiA-RPG2010 Japon
Black Matrix 00Flight-PlanT-RPG2010 Japon
Blaze Union : Story to Reach the FutureSting EntertainmentT-RPG2010 Japon
Blue Roses : The Fairy and Blue Eyed WarriorsApollosoftT-RPG2010 Japon
Chocobo no Fushigi DungeonSquaresoftD-RPG2010 Japon
Chocobo's Dungeon 2SquaresoftD-RPG2010 Japon
Cladun : This is an RPGNippon IchiD-RPG2010 France
Class of Heroes 3ZeroDivD-RPG2010 Japon
Classic DungeonNippon IchiD-RPG2010 Japon
Criminal GirlsImageepochRPG2010 Japon
Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu : Legendary SagaKadokawa ShotenD-RPG2010 Japon
Devil Children : Black Book Red BookAtlusRPG2010 Japon
Fate ExtraImageepochD-RPG2010 France
Final Fantasy IXSquare EnixRPG2010 France
Final Fantasy VIISquare EnixRPG2010 France
Front Mission 3Square EnixT-RPG2010 France
Fullmetal Alchemist : To the Promised DayCrafts and MeisterRPG2010 Japon
Generation of ChaosIdea FactoryS-RPG2010 France
God EaterNamco BandaiA-RPG2010 Japon
God Eater BurstNamco BandaiA-RPG2010 France
GrandiaGame ArtsRPG2010 France
Harvest Moon : Back To NatureVISRPG2010 USA
Jikan de PhantasiaOpus A-RPG2010 USA
Kingdom Hearts : Birth by SleepSquare EnixA-RPG2010 France
Knights in the NightmareSting EntertainmentT-RPG2010 USA
Last RankerImageepochRPG2010 Japon
Legend of ManaSquaresoftA-RPG2010 USA
Lord of ArcanaSquare EnixA-RPG2010 France
Monster Hunter Nikki : PokaPoka Airu VillageFrom SoftwareA-RPG2010 Japon
Monster Hunter Portable 3rdCapcomA-RPG2010 Japon
Motto NUGA CEL Nurture Garment CelebrationLupinusRPG2010 Japon
Parasite EveSquaresoftRPG2010 USA
Parasite Eve 2SquaresoftA-RPG2010 France
Pastel Chime Continue5pbD-RPG2010 Japon
Phantom Brave PortableNippon IchiT-RPG2010 USA
Puzzle ChroniclesInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Chronicles PSPInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 USA
Puzzle Quest 2Infinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Shin Megami TenseiAtlusRPG2010 Japon
Shin Megami Tensei : Persona Full GameAtlusRPG2010 France
Shin Megami Tensei If...AtlusRPG2010 Japon
Shin Megami Tensei IIAtlusRPG2010 Japon
Shining HeartsSegaRPG2010 Japon
Shiren the Wanderer 3 PortableChunSoftD-RPG2010 Japon
Tactics Ogre : Unmei no WaSquare EnixT-RPG2010 France
Tales of Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon XNamco BandaiRPG2010 Japon
Tears to Tiara : Kakan no Daichi PortableAquaplusT-RPG2010 Japon
Tears to Tiara Gaiden : Avalon no Nazo PortableAquaplusT-RPG2010 Japon
Tengai Makyo : ZiriaRed CompanyRPG2010 Japon
The 3rd BirthdaySquare EnixA-RPG2010 France
The Legend of Heroes VII : Trails from ZeroFalcomRPG2010 Japon
Threads of FateSquaresoftA-RPG2010 USA
Tokyo Mono Hara ShiAtlusD-RPG2010 Japon
Valkyria Chronicles IISegaT-RPG2010 France
Ys : The Oath In FelghanaFalcomA-RPG2010 USA
Ys Book I.IIFalcomA-RPG2010 Japon
Z.H.P. : Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath EvilmanNippon IchiT-RPG2010 USA
ZenoniaGamevilA-RPG2010 France
PS Vita
AlundraMatrix SoftwareADV-RPG2010 France
Arc The LadArc EntertainmentT-RPG2010 France
Arc The Lad IIArc EntertainmentT-RPG2010 France
Brandish : The Dark RevenantFalcomA-RPG2010 France
Breath of Fire IIICapcomRPG2010 France
Cladun 2Nippon IchiD-RPG2010 France
Cladun : This is an RPGNippon IchiD-RPG2010 France
Class of Heroes 2ZerodivD-RPG2010 USA
Criminal GirlsImageepochRPG2010 Japon
Disgaea 2 : Dark Hero DaysNippon IchiT-RPG2010 France
Final Fantasy IXSquare EnixRPG2010 France
Final Fantasy VIISquare EnixRPG2010 France
Generation of ChaosIdea FactoryS-RPG2010 France
GrandiaGame ArtsRPG2010 France
Half Minute HeroMarvelous EntertainmentRPG2010 France
Harvest Moon : Hero of Leaf ValleyMarvelous Entertainment RPG2010 France
Lunar : Harmony of the Silver StarGame ArtsRPG2010 France
Parasite Eve 2SquaresoftA-RPG2010 France
Shin Megami Tensei : Persona Full GameAtlusRPG2010 France
Tengai Makyo : ZiriaRed CompanyRPG2010 Japon
The Legend of Heroes VI : Trails in the SkyFalcomRPG2010 France
Valhalla KnightsMarvelous EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
Valhalla Knights 2Marvelous EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
Valhalla Knights 2 : Battle StanceMarvelous EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
Valkyria Chronicles IISegaT-RPG2010 France
Z.H.P. : Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath EvilmanNippon IchiT-RPG2010 France
ZenoniaGamevilA-RPG2010 France
I Also Want to Save the WorldPOISOFTRPG2010 Japon
Sakura Wars : So Long My LoveOverworksT-RPG2010 France
XenobladeMonolith SoftwareRPG2010 France
XBox 360
Agarest : Generations of War ZeroCompile HeartT-RPG2010 USA
Alpha ProtocolObsidian EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
AphelionLunatic StudiosRPG2010 France
Aphelion 2Lunatic StudiosRPG2010 France
ArcaniA : Gothic 4Spellbound EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
ArcaniA : Gothic 4Spellbound EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
Borderlands : Claptrap's New Robot RevolutionGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France
Borderlands : Double Extension PackGearbox SoftwareCOMPIL2010 France
Borderlands : L'Armurerie Secrete du General KnoxxGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France
Borderlands Edition Game of the YearGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France
Breath of Death VII : The BeginningZeboyd GamesRPG2010 France
Costume QuestDouble FineRPG2010 France
Cthulhu Saves the WorldZeboyd GamesRPG2010 France
DarksidersVigil GamesADV-RPG2010 France
DeathSpankHothead GamesA-RPG2010 France
DeathSpank : Thongs of VirtueHothead GamesA-RPG2010 France
Divinity II : The Dragon Knight SagaLarian StudiosC-RPG2010 France
Dragon Age : Origins The AwakeningBioWareC-RPG2010 France
Dungeon DefendersTrendy EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
Fable 3Lionhead StudiosA-RPG2010 France
Faery : Legends of AvalonSpidersRPG2010 France
Fallout : New VegasObsidian EntertainmentC-RPG2010 France
Final Fantasy XIIISquare EnixRPG2010 France
Final Fantasy XIII Ultimate Hits InternationalSquare EnixRPG2010 Japon
Hunted : The Demon's ForgeInxile EntertainmentA-RPG2010 France
Mass Effect 2BiowareC-RPG2010 France
Monster Hunter Frontier OnlineCapcomMMORPG2010 Japon
NieRCaviaA-RPG2010 France
Puzzle ChroniclesInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Quest 2Infinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Two Worlds IIReality Pump A-RPG2010 France
Vandal Hearts : Flames of JudgmentKonamiT-RPG2010 France
VeneticaDeck13 InteractiveA-RPG2010 France
XBox One
Borderlands Edition Game of the YearGearbox SoftwareF-RPG2010 France


L'humanité atteindra-t-elle jamais une telle pureté ?, Yunalesca, FFX Thèmes
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