Beast QuestMiniclip SAADV-RPG2015 France
Crashlands 2Butterscotch ShenanigansADV-RPG2023 N.C
Oceanhorn : Monster of Uncharted SeasCornfox and BrothersADV-RPG2016 France
RPGolfArticNetADV-RPG2017 France
Wonder Gravity : Pino and the Gravity Usersf4samuraiADV-RPG2019 Japon
Okamiden : Chiisaki TaiyouCapcomADV-RPG2010 France
Zelda : Phantom HourglassNintendoADV-RPG2007 France
Zelda : Spirit TracksNintendoADV-RPG2009 France
Zelda Four SwordsNintendoADV-RPG2011 France
Game Boy
Zelda : Link's AwakeningNintendoADV-RPG1993 France
The Legend of ZeldaNintendoADV-RPG2004 France
Zelda : A Link To The PastCapcomADV-RPG2003 France
Zelda : The Minish CapCapcomADV-RPG2004 France
Zelda II : The Adventure of LinkNintendoADV-RPG2004 France
Game Boy Color
Zelda : Link's Awakening DXNintendoADV-RPG1998 France
Zelda : Oracle of AgesCapcomADV-RPG2001 France
Zelda : Oracle of SeasonsCapcomADV-RPG2001 France
Game Cube
Zelda : Four Swords AdventuresNintendoADV-RPG2005 France
Zelda : The Wind WakerNintendoADV-RPG2003 France
Zelda : Twilight PrincessNintendoADV-RPG2006 France
Beast QuestMiniclip SAADV-RPG2015 France
Crashlands 2Butterscotch ShenanigansADV-RPG2023 N.C
Magicka : Wizards of the Square TabletLudosityADV-RPG2013 France
Oceanhorn 2 : Knights of the Lost RealmCornfox and Bros.ADV-RPG2018 N.C
Oceanhorn : Monster of Uncharted SeasCornfox and BrothersADV-RPG2013 France
RPGolfArticNetADV-RPG2017 France
Wonder Gravity : Pino and the Gravity Usersf4samuraiADV-RPG2019 Japon
Heart Forth AliciaAlonso MartinADV-RPG2018 Inconnu
Kabuki Samurai Sensei : Bride of ShadowsSmack Down ProductionsADV-RPG2011 Inconnu
The Legend of Zelda : A Link Between WorldsNintendoADV-RPG2013 France
The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 3DNintendoADV-RPG2011 France
The Legend of Zelda : Tri Force HeroesNintendoADV-RPG2015 France
Nintendo 64
Zelda : Majora's MaskNintendoADV-RPG2000 France
Zelda : Ocarina of TimeNintendoADV-RPG1998 France
The Legend of ZeldaNintendoADV-RPG1986 France
Zelda II : The Adventure of LinkNintendoADV-RPG1987 France
A Knight's QuestSky 9 GamesADV-RPG2019 France
Adventure Time : Pirates of the EnchiridionClimax StudiosADV-RPG2018 France
AggelosStorybird GamesADV-RPG2018 France
AiroheartPixel Heart StudioADV-RPG2022 France
AlbatrozSoedescoADV-RPG2023 France
Alchemic CutieVakmanADV-RPG2018 France
Animal GodsStill GamesADV-RPG2015 France
Beast QuestTorus GamesADV-RPG2018 France
Bloom : MemoriesStudio FawnADV-RPG2013 N.C
Blossom Tales 2 : The Minotaur PrinceCastle PixelADV-RPG2022 France
Blossom Tales : The Sleeping KingCastle PixelADV-RPG2017 France
Call of ElyndraQuorum GamesADV-RPG2024 N.C
Cassette BoyWonderland KazakiriADV-RPG2023 N.C
Chef RPGWorld 2 StudioADV-RPG2021 N.C
Crashlands 2Butterscotch ShenanigansADV-RPG2023 N.C
Crystal Story : Dawn of DuskBred FrownADV-RPG2023 France
Curious ExpeditionMaschinen Mensch UGADV-RPG2015 France
Curious Expedition 2Maschinen Mensch UGADV-RPG2022 France
DarksidersVigil GamesADV-RPG2010 France
Darksiders 2Vigil GamesADV-RPG2012 France
Darksiders : Warmastered EditionVigil GamesADV-RPG2016 France
Death's DoorAcid NerveADV-RPG2021 France
Dragon Quest TreasuresSquare EnixADV-RPG2023 France
Dungeons of HinterbergMicrobird GamesADV-RPG2023 France
EastwardPixpilADV-RPG2018 France
Fairune : Fragment IslesSkipmoreADV-RPG2023 N.C
Hazelnut BastilleAloft StudioADV-RPG2018 N.C
Heart Forth AliciaAlonso MartinADV-RPG2018 N.C
Immortals Fenyx RisingUbisoftAdv-RPG2020 France
Journey RecordKochi CreateADV-RPG2023 N.C
Le Vaillant Petit PageAll Possible FuturesADV-RPG2024 France
Light Tracer II : The Two WorldsVoid DimensionsADV-RPG2020 France
LucenKristian KebbeADV-RPG2021 N.C
MagickaArrowhead Game StudiosADV-RPG2011 France
Magicka 2 : Learn to spell againPieces InteractiveADV-RPG2014 USA
Magicka : Wizard WarsParadox NorthADV-RPG2015 France
Magicka : Wizards of the Square TabletLudosityADV-RPG2013 France
Monster CrownStudio AurumADV-RPG2023 France
Nine ParchmentsFrozenbyteADV-RPG2017 France
Ocean's HeartMax MrazADV-RPG2021 France
Oceanhorn 2 : Knights of the Lost RealmCornfox and Bros.ADV-RPG2021 N.C
Oceanhorn : Monster of Uncharted SeasCornfox and BrothersADV-RPG2015 France
Okami HDHexa DriveADV-RPG2017 France
PineTwirlboundADV-RPG2019 France
PixelshireKappa BitsADV-RPG2022 N.C
ReverieRainbite LimitedADV-RPG2023 France
RPGolfArticNetADV-RPG2018 France
RPGolf LegendsArticNetADV-RPG2020 France
SeablipJardar SolliADV-RPG2024 France
SpindleWobble GhostADV-RPG2024 N.C
Under The IslandSlime King GamesADV-RPG2024 N.C
Vortex : tears of the abyssCrazyBearGamesADV-RPG2016 Inconnu
Whisker WatersUnderbite GamesADV-RPG2023 France
AlundraMatrix SoftwareADV-RPG1998 France
Alundra 2ContrailADV-RPG2000 France
Brave Fencer MusashiSquaresoftADV-RPG1998 USA
PlayStation 2
Graffiti KingdomTaitoADV-RPG2005 France
OkamiClover StudioADV-RPG2006 France
Steambot ChroniclesIrem SoftwareADV-RPG2005 France
PlayStation 3
AlundraMatrix SoftwareADV-RPG2010 France
DarksidersVigil GamesADV-RPG2010 France
Darksiders 2Vigil GamesADV-RPG2012 France
Okami HDHexa DriveADV-RPG2012 France
Steambot Chronicles 2Irem SoftwareADV-RPG2010 Inconnu
PlayStation 4
A Knight's QuestSky 9 GamesADV-RPG2019 France
Adventure Time : Pirates of the EnchiridionClimax StudiosADV-RPG2018 France
AggelosStorybird GamesADV-RPG2018 France
AiroheartPixel Heart StudioADV-RPG2022 France
Alchemic CutieVakmanADV-RPG2018 France
Beast QuestTorus GamesADV-RPG2018 France
Curious ExpeditionMaschinen Mensch UGADV-RPG2022 France
Curious Expedition 2Maschinen Mensch UGADV-RPG2022 France
Darksiders : Warmastered EditionVigil GamesADV-RPG2016 France
Death's DoorAcid NerveADV-RPG2021 France
Dungeons of HinterbergMicrobird GamesADV-RPG2025 N.C
Heart Forth AliciaAlonso MartinADV-RPG2018 N.C
Immortals Fenyx RisingUbisoftAdv-RPG2020 France
Magicka 2 : Learn to spell againPieces InteractiveADV-RPG2014 France
Monster CrownStudio AurumADV-RPG2023 France
Nine ParchmentsFrozenbyteADV-RPG2017 France
Oceanhorn : Monster of Uncharted SeasCornfox and BrothersADV-RPG2016 France
Okami HDHexa DriveADV-RPG2017 France
ReverieRainbite LimitedADV-RPG2018 France
RPGolf LegendsArticNetADV-RPG2020 Japon
PlayStation 5
AiroheartPixel Heart StudioADV-RPG2022 France
AlbatrozSoedescoADV-RPG2024 France
Alchemic CutieVakmanADV-RPG2018 France
Cassette BoyWonderland KazakiriADV-RPG2023 N.C
Death's DoorAcid NerveADV-RPG2021 France
Dungeons of HinterbergMicrobird GamesADV-RPG2025 N.C
Immortals Fenyx RisingUbisoftAdv-RPG2020 France
Le Vaillant Petit PageAll Possible FuturesADV-RPG2024 France
Oceanhorn 2 : Knights of the Lost RealmCornfox and Bros.ADV-RPG2021 N.C
PixelshireKappa BitsADV-RPG2024 N.C
ReverieRainbite LimitedADV-RPG2023 France
RPGolf LegendsArticNetADV-RPG2020 Japon
Whisker WatersUnderbite GamesADV-RPG2023 France
AlundraMatrix SoftwareADV-RPG2010 France
PS Vita
AlundraMatrix SoftwareADV-RPG2010 France
Heart Forth AliciaAlonso MartinADV-RPG2018 Inconnu
Oceanhorn : Monster of Uncharted SeasCornfox and BrothersADV-RPG2017 France
ReverieRainbite LimitedADV-RPG2018 France
Shining WisdomSonic Software PlanningADV-RPG1995 France
BS ZeldaNintendoADV-RPG1997 Japon
BS Zelda: Ancient Stone PanelNintendoADV-RPG1997 Japon
Zelda : A Link To The PastNintendoADV-RPG1991 France
A Knight's QuestSky 9 GamesADV-RPG2019 France
Adventure Time : Pirates of the EnchiridionClimax StudiosADV-RPG2018 France
AggelosStorybird GamesADV-RPG2018 France
AiroheartPixel Heart StudioADV-RPG2022 France
Alchemic CutieVakmanADV-RPG2018 France
Beast QuestTorus GamesADV-RPG2019 USA
Blossom Tales 2 : The Minotaur PrinceCastle PixelADV-RPG2022 France
Blossom Tales : The Sleeping KingCastle PixelADV-RPG2017 France
Cassette BoyWonderland KazakiriADV-RPG2023 N.C
Chef RPGWorld 2 StudioADV-RPG2021 N.C
Curious ExpeditionMaschinen Mensch UGADV-RPG2022 France
Curious Expedition 2Maschinen Mensch UGADV-RPG2022 France
Darksiders : Warmastered EditionVigil GamesADV-RPG2019 France
Death's DoorAcid NerveADV-RPG2021 France
Dragon Quest TreasuresSquare EnixADV-RPG2021 France
EastwardPixpilADV-RPG2020 France
Eternal EdgeRighteous Weasel GamesADV-RPG2018 USA
Hazelnut BastilleAloft StudioADV-RPG2018 N.C
Heart Forth AliciaAlonso MartinADV-RPG2020 N.C
Immortals Fenyx RisingUbisoftAdv-RPG2020 France
Le Vaillant Petit PageAll Possible FuturesADV-RPG2024 France
Monster CrownStudio AurumADV-RPG2023 France
Nine ParchmentsFrozenbyteADV-RPG2017 France
Ocean's HeartMax MrazADV-RPG2022 France
Oceanhorn 2 : Knights of the Lost RealmCornfox and Bros.ADV-RPG2020 France
Oceanhorn : Monster of Uncharted SeasCornfox and BrothersADV-RPG2017 France
Okami HDHexa DriveADV-RPG2018 France
PineTwirlboundADV-RPG2019 France
PixelshireKappa BitsADV-RPG2024 N.C
ReverieRainbite LimitedADV-RPG2020 France
RPGolf LegendsArticNetADV-RPG2020 Japon
SpindleWobble GhostADV-RPG2024 N.C
The Legend of Zelda : Echoes of WisdomNintendoADV-RPG2024 France
The Legend of Zelda : Link's AwakeningNintendoADV-RPG2019 France
The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword HDNintendoADV-RPG2021 France
The Legend of Zelda : Tears of the KingdomNintendoADV-RPG2022 France
Whisker WatersUnderbite GamesADV-RPG2023 France
Zelda : Breath of the WildNintendoADV-RPG2017 France
OkamiReady at Dawn StudiosADV-RPG2008 France
The Legend of Zelda : Skyward SwordNintendoADV-RPG2011 France
Zelda : Twilight PrincessNintendoADV-RPG2006 France
Wii U
Animal GodsStill GamesADV-RPG2015 USA
Darksiders 2Vigil GamesADV-RPG2012 France
Darksiders : Warmastered EditionVigil GamesADV-RPG2016 France
Festival of MagicSnowCastle GamesADV-RPG2013 Inconnu
Heart Forth AliciaAlonso MartinADV-RPG2018 Inconnu
The Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker HDNintendoADV-RPG2013 France
The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess HDTantalusADV-RPG2016 France
Zelda : Breath of the WildNintendoADV-RPG2017 France
Zelda : Phantom HourglassNintendoADV-RPG2015 France
Zelda : Spirit TracksNintendoADV-RPG2015 France
XBox 360
DarksidersVigil GamesADV-RPG2010 France
Darksiders 2Vigil GamesADV-RPG2012 France
MagickaArrowhead Game StudiosADV-RPG2011 Inconnu
XBox One
A Knight's QuestSky 9 GamesADV-RPG2019 France
Adventure Time : Pirates of the EnchiridionClimax StudiosADV-RPG2018 France
AggelosStorybird GamesADV-RPG2018 France
AiroheartPixel Heart StudioADV-RPG2022 France
Alchemic CutieVakmanADV-RPG2018 France
Beast QuestTorus GamesADV-RPG2018 France
Blossom Tales 2 : The Minotaur PrinceCastle PixelADV-RPG2023 France
Curious ExpeditionMaschinen Mensch UGADV-RPG2022 France
Curious Expedition 2Maschinen Mensch UGADV-RPG2022 France
Darksiders : Warmastered EditionVigil GamesADV-RPG2016 France
Death's DoorAcid NerveADV-RPG2021 France
EastwardPixpilADV-RPG2022 France
Immortals Fenyx RisingUbisoftAdv-RPG2020 France
Monster CrownStudio AurumADV-RPG2023 France
Nine ParchmentsFrozenbyteADV-RPG2018 France
Oceanhorn : Monster of Uncharted SeasCornfox and BrothersADV-RPG2016 France
Okami HDHexa DriveADV-RPG2017 France
ReverieRainbite LimitedADV-RPG2023 France
RPGolf LegendsArticNetADV-RPG2020 Japon
Xbox Series
AiroheartPixel Heart StudioADV-RPG2022 France
AlbatrozSoedescoADV-RPG2024 France
Alchemic CutieVakmanADV-RPG2018 France
Blossom Tales 2 : The Minotaur PrinceCastle PixelADV-RPG2023 France
Death's DoorAcid NerveADV-RPG2021 France
Dungeons of HinterbergMicrobird GamesADV-RPG2023 France
Immortals Fenyx RisingUbisoftAdv-RPG2020 France
Le Vaillant Petit PageAll Possible FuturesADV-RPG2024 France
Oceanhorn 2 : Knights of the Lost RealmCornfox and Bros.ADV-RPG2021 N.C
ReverieRainbite LimitedADV-RPG2023 France
RPGolf LegendsArticNetADV-RPG2020 Japon


Tu vas crever ça oui, mais lentement., Commandant Shepard, Mass Effect Thèmes
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