Fairy KnightsWIDStudioP-RPG2019 France
Gather of Dragons V2StingP-RPG2015 Japon
Gems of War Infinity Plus 2P-RPG2019 France
Gururin QuestgloopsP-RPG2015 Japon
Merge Star : Adventure of a Merge HeroNanoo CompanyP-RPG2018 France
Pictlogica Final FantasySquare EnixP-RPG2013 Japon
Puzzle and DragonsGungHoP-RPG2012 USA
Puzzle Quest 3Infinity Plus TwoP-RPG2021 France
The Walking Dead Match 3 TalesNovacoreP-RPG2023 France
Might And Magic : Clash of HeroesCapybara GamesP-RPG2009 France
Puzzle ChroniclesInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Quest 2Infinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Quest : Challenge of the WarlordsInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2007 France
RPG Maker DSEnterbrainP-RPG2010 Japon
Dungeon PopperDeNAP-RPG2013 Japon
Fairy KnightsWIDStudioP-RPG2019 France
Gather of Dragons V2StingP-RPG2015 Japon
Gems of War Infinity Plus 2P-RPG2019 France
Gururin QuestgloopsP-RPG2015 Japon
Hero EmblemsHeatPot GamesP-RPG2015 USA
Merge Star : Adventure of a Merge HeroNanoo CompanyP-RPG2018 France
Might And Magic : Clash of HeroesCapybara GamesP-RPG2013 France
Pictlogica Final FantasySquare EnixP-RPG2013 Japon
Puyo Puyo QuestSegaP-RPG2013 Japon
Puzzle and DragonsGungHoP-RPG2012 USA
Puzzle and Dragons ChallengeGungHoP-RPG2013 Japon
Puzzle Quest 3Infinity Plus TwoP-RPG2021 France
Puzzle SoccerSquare EnixP-RPG2015 USA
Scurvy ScallywagsBeep GamesP-RPG2013 France
Tetris MonstersElectronic ArtsP-RPG2013 Japon
The Legend of Bum boEdmund McMillenP-RPG2020 N.C
The Walking Dead Match 3 TalesNovacoreP-RPG2023 France
Pictlogica Final FantasySquare EnixP-RPG2017 Japon
Puyo Puyo ChronicleSegaP-RPG2016 Japon
Puzzle and Dragons XGungHoP-RPG2016 Japon
Puzzle and Dragons ZGungHoP-RPG2013 France
RPG Maker FesEnterbrainP-RPG2016 France
Arranger : A Role Puzzling AdventureFurniture and MattressP-RPG2024 France
Dokapon KingdomIdea FactoryP-RPG2023 France
Fairy KnightsWIDStudioP-RPG2019 France
Gems of War Infinity Plus 2P-RPG2019 France
GyromancerPopCap GamesP-RPG2009 France
Legend of FaeEndless FluffP-RPG2011 USA
Puzzle ChroniclesInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Quest 2Infinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Quest 3Infinity Plus TwoP-RPG2021 France
The Legend of Bum boEdmund McMillenP-RPG2019 France
RPG MakerAscii EntertainmentP-RPG1997 USA
PlayStation 2
Dokapon KingdomSting EntertainmentP-RPG2007 USA
Puzzle Quest : Challenge of the WarlordsInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2007 France
RPG Maker 2EnterbrainP-RPG2002 USA
RPG Maker 3EnterbrainP-RPG2004 USA
PlayStation 3
Might And Magic : Clash of HeroesCapybara GamesP-RPG2011 France
Puzzle ChroniclesInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords: Revenge o ...Infinite InteractiveP-RPG2008 France
RPG Maker 3EnterbrainP-RPG2013 USA
PlayStation 4
Gems of War Infinity Plus 2P-RPG2019 France
Puzzle Quest 3Infinity Plus TwoP-RPG2023 France
PlayStation 5
Arranger : A Role Puzzling AdventureFurniture and MattressP-RPG2024 France
Puzzle Quest 3Infinity Plus TwoP-RPG2023 France
The Legend of Bum boEdmund McMillenP-RPG2022 France
Puzzle ChroniclesInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Chronicles PSPInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 USA
Puzzle Quest 2Infinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Quest : Challenge of the WarlordsInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2007 France
PS Vita
Puzzle Quest : Challenge of the WarlordsInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2008 France
Arranger : A Role Puzzling AdventureFurniture and MattressP-RPG2024 France
Dokapon KingdomSting EntertainmentP-RPG2023 France
Fairy KnightsWIDStudioP-RPG2019 France
Gems of War Infinity Plus 2P-RPG2019 France
Puzzle and Dragons GoldGungHoP-RPG2020 France
Puzzle and Dragons Nintendo Switch EditionGungHoP-RPG2022 France
Puzzle Quest : The Legend ReturnsInfinity Plus 2P-RPG2019 France
The Legend of Bum boEdmund McMillenP-RPG2019 France
Dokapon KingdomSting EntertainmentP-RPG2008 France
Puzzle Quest : Challenge of the WarlordsInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2007 France
XBox 360
GyromancerPopCap GamesP-RPG2009 France
Might And Magic : Clash of HeroesCapybara GamesP-RPG2011 France
Puzzle ChroniclesInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Quest 2Infinite InteractiveP-RPG2010 France
Puzzle Quest : Challenge of the WarlordsInfinite InteractiveP-RPG2007 France
XBox One
Gems of War Infinity Plus 2P-RPG2019 France
Puzzle Quest 3Infinity Plus TwoP-RPG2023 France
Xbox Series
Puzzle Quest 3Infinity Plus TwoP-RPG2023 France
The Legend of Bum boEdmund McMillenP-RPG2022 France


C'est mon nom, pas ma nature., Hope, Final Fantasy XIII Thèmes
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